Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Through the Grapevine..

About Drexel: One good thing about being in college is that people are more mature. Especially at Drexel, the students that come here are very career driven. With the co-ops and shorter terms, I feel like we grow up a lot faster because we get a sense of the real world a lot sooner than most people. Just because we study a lot doesn't mean we don't know how to have fun. There's always something going on whether it is on campus or in the city. Our Campus Activities Board actually offer us free back massages on the week of finals. And if you look hard enough, there's always some event happening on campus so you'll most likely find free food. One secret is that most of them do not check attendence so if you take food, they won't notice. I do it all the time when I see sodas laying around on a table left over from an event.

About Me: Speaking of mature people, I am so glad I'm done with my high school years. There was so much drama and I hate drama. I'm not saying that there's no drama now, but in high school, it was for dumber reasons. One thing I noticed in college is that the people are a lot friendlier. It is less cliquey if you know what I mean. Also, in high school, it was hard to keep secrets because you're seeing the same people every day and the space is a lot smaller. I love the college environment because I don't feel like I'm under a microscope where every move I make is being watched.

Song of the Day: Mya- Walka Not A Talka

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