Tuesday, July 10, 2007

People Who Are There...

About Drexel: Living on campus has definitely given me a sense of independence and I really enjoy it. It is nice to have a place that you can call home aside from the one that you were raised in. Obviously homesickness is something that will surface sooner or later but you get over it quickly when you start meeting people that you can start calling family. Which is another nice thing to living on campus, it is a great way to meet people because they are pretty much in the same situation you are. You see them around all the time and you develop bonds that you won't find anywhere else.

About Me: Since working at the Undergraduate Admissions for my first co-op, I've met a lot of great people. With the wide range of personalities and cultures, I've learned both about myself and others. I also have a bunch of friends from other schools, mainly people I've met through high school. They're mainly the people I've been in contact with because right now they are on their summer vacation and I'm taking classes. I try to hang out with them at least once a week. Lately, we've been going out for dinner in Chinatown and hanging out at each others' houses. Last week, we decided to meet up one night, we played Guestures and Taboo for a few hours. Nothing beats a little friendly competition. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We are getting together again some night this week to play Mario Party 8 on the Wii. I can't wait.

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