Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No Time For Procrastination...

About Drexel: Here at Drexel, we go through 10 week terms. Usually, midterms are around Week 4 or Week 5 and the week following Week 10 is Finals Week. Right now is Week 4 and I have a test tomorrow morning. The good thing with the short terms is that time goes by so fast. Next thing you know, it's time for finals and that's when time management comes in. The terms go by so fast, everything might be overwhelming at first but once you get a hang of it, things will become easier. I enjoy meeting up with people from my class some time before an exam and study together. TA's in my classes usually organize group study sessions so it's useful to look out for those. The library is also a popular place where everyone gets their studying done. They usually extend the hours during exam weeks.

About Me: In the last few days I've been going out a lot and neglecting my school work. It's fine though, I know the material pretty well and I go to the lecture classes. Although most lectures don't take attendence, you'll be surprised how much help they are when you attend. Last Friday, I had dinner with a few friends of mine and we went to one of their homes for some fun. On Saturday, I had two BBQs to go to. The first one was in Central Jersey and it was a lot of fun because there was a pool. Although I can't swim, I enjoy looking like a fool trying. The food was amazing also, burgers, pasta salad and chocolate covered strawberries. That's heaven right there. After I returned home, I had to go to a birthday BBQ in Kensington. I only stayed for a little bit because I had to return the car but my friend really appreciated that I came. I promised to go last year but I was at a different BBQ instead that ran a bit longer than I had anticipated. Sunday, I went to the Bridge to watch Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. I enjoyed it although I expected a bit more action. Tonight, I will finally go watch Transformers because I heard really great things about it. Let's hope I won't be disappointed.

Song of the Day: Stanley Hoang- Luv U

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