Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Food For Thought...

About Drexel: As a Freshmen living in the resident's halls, it is required for you to purchase a meal plan. The meal plan grants unlimited access into our Handshumaker Dining Hall. When I came as a Freshmen, which was 2 years ago, the dining hall was undergoing renovations. We actually had our meals in the Grand Hall of Creese. But the dining hall finally opened up in November or so. The grand opening of it was amazing. They had an awesome chocolate fountain and we were shocked with how futuristic everything looked. I love the food from the dining hall. They have all these different sections set up like a buffet so you can eat as much as you want. From Asian Cuisine to pasta to tacos to salad to burgers and fries. My favorite section would definitely be the dessert section.

About Me: Although I've lived in Philly for over 18 years, there are still a lot of places that I've never eaten at before. I was so used to eating food from Chinatown because it was close and the food is cheap. To tell you the truth, I'm addicted to fast food joints as well. I will take McDonald's, Burger King and KFC over a 4 star restaurant any day. There are a lot of fancy high priced restaurants out there. In my opinion, the decor and overall appearance for those places are nice but the food is usually mediocre and the service is pretty basic. The only difference is the location and reputation that have you paying couple dollars extra and I'm not for it at all. But it's always good to try out places at least once and Philly has a lot ot offer.

Song of the Day: Swizz Beats- Money in the Bank

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Through the Grapevine..

About Drexel: One good thing about being in college is that people are more mature. Especially at Drexel, the students that come here are very career driven. With the co-ops and shorter terms, I feel like we grow up a lot faster because we get a sense of the real world a lot sooner than most people. Just because we study a lot doesn't mean we don't know how to have fun. There's always something going on whether it is on campus or in the city. Our Campus Activities Board actually offer us free back massages on the week of finals. And if you look hard enough, there's always some event happening on campus so you'll most likely find free food. One secret is that most of them do not check attendence so if you take food, they won't notice. I do it all the time when I see sodas laying around on a table left over from an event.

About Me: Speaking of mature people, I am so glad I'm done with my high school years. There was so much drama and I hate drama. I'm not saying that there's no drama now, but in high school, it was for dumber reasons. One thing I noticed in college is that the people are a lot friendlier. It is less cliquey if you know what I mean. Also, in high school, it was hard to keep secrets because you're seeing the same people every day and the space is a lot smaller. I love the college environment because I don't feel like I'm under a microscope where every move I make is being watched.

Song of the Day: Mya- Walka Not A Talka

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No Time For Procrastination...

About Drexel: Here at Drexel, we go through 10 week terms. Usually, midterms are around Week 4 or Week 5 and the week following Week 10 is Finals Week. Right now is Week 4 and I have a test tomorrow morning. The good thing with the short terms is that time goes by so fast. Next thing you know, it's time for finals and that's when time management comes in. The terms go by so fast, everything might be overwhelming at first but once you get a hang of it, things will become easier. I enjoy meeting up with people from my class some time before an exam and study together. TA's in my classes usually organize group study sessions so it's useful to look out for those. The library is also a popular place where everyone gets their studying done. They usually extend the hours during exam weeks.

About Me: In the last few days I've been going out a lot and neglecting my school work. It's fine though, I know the material pretty well and I go to the lecture classes. Although most lectures don't take attendence, you'll be surprised how much help they are when you attend. Last Friday, I had dinner with a few friends of mine and we went to one of their homes for some fun. On Saturday, I had two BBQs to go to. The first one was in Central Jersey and it was a lot of fun because there was a pool. Although I can't swim, I enjoy looking like a fool trying. The food was amazing also, burgers, pasta salad and chocolate covered strawberries. That's heaven right there. After I returned home, I had to go to a birthday BBQ in Kensington. I only stayed for a little bit because I had to return the car but my friend really appreciated that I came. I promised to go last year but I was at a different BBQ instead that ran a bit longer than I had anticipated. Sunday, I went to the Bridge to watch Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. I enjoyed it although I expected a bit more action. Tonight, I will finally go watch Transformers because I heard really great things about it. Let's hope I won't be disappointed.

Song of the Day: Stanley Hoang- Luv U

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

People Who Are There...

About Drexel: Living on campus has definitely given me a sense of independence and I really enjoy it. It is nice to have a place that you can call home aside from the one that you were raised in. Obviously homesickness is something that will surface sooner or later but you get over it quickly when you start meeting people that you can start calling family. Which is another nice thing to living on campus, it is a great way to meet people because they are pretty much in the same situation you are. You see them around all the time and you develop bonds that you won't find anywhere else.

About Me: Since working at the Undergraduate Admissions for my first co-op, I've met a lot of great people. With the wide range of personalities and cultures, I've learned both about myself and others. I also have a bunch of friends from other schools, mainly people I've met through high school. They're mainly the people I've been in contact with because right now they are on their summer vacation and I'm taking classes. I try to hang out with them at least once a week. Lately, we've been going out for dinner in Chinatown and hanging out at each others' houses. Last week, we decided to meet up one night, we played Guestures and Taboo for a few hours. Nothing beats a little friendly competition. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We are getting together again some night this week to play Mario Party 8 on the Wii. I can't wait.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hard Work Pays Off...

About Drexel: Aside from Drexel's awesome Co-op program where you get to work full-time for 6 months, there are opportunities during the school year for part time jobs. I was lucky enough to be awarded with federal work study during my Freshmen year. I looked through Drexel's website which provided places on campus that were hiring. I had an interest in film and I knew that Drexel had a TV station so I looked for jobs there. I found one and I called the number and the guy on the phone said "Awesome, when can you come in?" It was quick and painless and I was excited to start. Although I only worked there for a term since I had two other jobs, it was a great experience. Throughout my employment with DUTV, I helped paint the studio floors, assist with preparing props, dubbed media and learned some vital behind the scenes information.

About Me: I mentioned above that I had two other jobs. I was quite a busy bee after my senior year of high school (Central High 264!). That summer after I graduated, I worked as a busboy for a restaurant in Chinatown and then a cashier for a pizza shop in Center City at the same time. Once school started in Drexel, I dropped the busboy job and kept the cashier one. Then I worked for DUTV as well as Riverview United Artist Theatre. So yes, working 3 jobs and being a full-time student taking 17 credits was not a good idea. Eventually I had to start leaving the jobs but the money I made during the time was well worth it.

Song of the Day: Gwen Stefani- 4 In The Morning