Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Time of Transition...

About Drexel: There are currently 4 regular Freshmen dorms and an Honors Freshmen dorm at Drexel. I actually have never lived outside of home before. I have been living in Philly for more than 17 years and I've always lived with my family. However, this summer, the office I work for offered me free housing if I would dedicate my room for university related events. It is a nice trade-off because it is a great opportunity for me to go through "the college experience" that I had lacked. I moved into Towers this past Sunday. It is still a bit quiet because this current week is our break week in between the end of Spring Term and the beginning of Summer Term (starting on Monday). A lot of people went home or are on vacation. Every Freshmen has their summer off so I recommend living it to the fullest when that time comes. But back to living in the dorms, I moved in most of my stuff by now. The room is actually bigger than I thought. For those that has seen our showroom in tours, my room is just about that size. My roommate is not moving in until the end of the month so I get the whole place to myself for now. My parents came over to take a look yesterday. My mom said it reminded her of a hotel. I can see the similarity. There are a bunch of rooms within the floor, but the only difference is, the bathroom is not in the room. I'm looking forward to next week when classes begin and more people living on my floor.

About Me: Speaking of living your summer vacation to the fullest, I had quite an amazing summer break last year. I decided to take a trip to Disneyworld because I had never been there before. I went with my best friend and we stayed for a week. We had a blast! From visiting all the parks to living in one of the resorts, it was an experience I will never forget. Right after I left Florida, I flew over to California to meet up with my cousins. We were in the mood to traveling. In the course of a week, we drove down to Ensenada, Mexico, up to Las Vegas, then back West to Hollywood. This was in the middle of August so I had June and July to work up the money for it. I remember working 60 hour weeks in the pizzaria but it was all worth it.

Song of the Day: J-Minor- Summer Luv

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Month Later....

About Drexel: Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. My name is Simon and I'm currently finishing up my sophmore year at Drexel. If you weren't already aware, Drexel follows an unique quarter system. We are finishing up our Spring Term with this week as the last week of classes which means finals are next week! Everyone else I know are already done their Spring Semester. It gets a little bit difficult sometimes when my friends are calling me to go out and I have to constantly remind them that I still have classes. It's not too big of a deal though since most of our activities take place in the night time anyway. It may not seem fair, but they go back to school in late August and we don't start our Fall Term until the end of September. So as far as equality of the length of the breaks, they are about the same. Most of them are currently miserable because all they do is work. I've done my share of work in my last co-op which lasted from late September to late March. So while I still have money saved up, all I need to worry about is my schoolwork which is not the case for them.

About Me: Today is one of my busiest days. Balancing work in the Drexel Undergraduate Admissions Office as well as going to classes (Business Law, Business Statistics and Chinese). Did I mention I'm a Business student concentrating in Marketing? My last class actually ends at 6pm but I have a board meeting with the Asian Student Association at 6pm. I'm the current Vice President of Social Affairs and Community Service for that club. We had bowling nights, karaoke nights, a culture show and just recently held our annual banquet in conjunction with the Korean Student Association at Drexel. It is a ton of fun to join clubs because it is a great way to meet people. I barely talk to anyone in my classes so it's a lot more easier to make friends from social student organizations. After the board meeting, we have our general meeting at 7:30pm. We normally provide free food for our members like pizza and soda. College kids love free food! Afterwards, I'm planning to go to Franklin Mills to watch "Knocked Up." For those unfamiliar with Franklin Mills, it is a huge mall located in Northern Philadelphia. The AMC theatre there has $5 Tuesdays where any movie you watch will be $5 plus you get a free small popcorn. That beats any deal I know. I'm not the type of person that is willing to spend $10 on a movie. I've gone every week in the last month. I've seen Disturbia, 28 Weeks Later, Shrek 3, Pirates: At World's End, in that order. I can't wait for Fantastic 4 and Harry Potter.

Song of the Day: Sean Kingston- Beautiful Girls

Real estate in Panama
Real estate in Panama